About Geraldine Georgeou
Geraldine Georgeou comes from a family passionate about quality food and the power it brings to live, love and enjoy good health. With a deep interest in what makes the nutrition world tick, Geraldine studied a Bachelor and Masters of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics before becoming an Accredited Practising Dietitian.
Geraldine has always worked closely with hospital specialists, developing an interest in food intolerances, obesity and weight management. She has a deep understanding of fertility, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), menopause, insulin resistance and diabetes after decades of experience working with patients who use diet as one tool to change their health. Geraldine herself suffered PCOS, and has a unique insight into the way what we eat impacts on symptoms.
Gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, rheumatologists, oncologists, dermatologists, cardiologists and respiratory health specialists often refer their patients to Geraldine given her evidence-based approach to using diet to treat symptoms and improve overall health.
“The science of nutrition is always evolving and giving us new information,” Geraldine says. “But the key to a great diet is consistency and approaching things based on the latest evidence and nutrition research.”
The new research around the gut microbiome sparked Geraldine’s passion for using diet to help people understand how our health impacts our skin.
“Skin isn’t just what creams you use or the laser treatments you get - it’s about your genetics and how you eat and live your life,” she says.
Geraldine was determined to write The Australian Healthy Skin Diet - which is sold overseas as The Healthy Skin Diet - to help people understand the power of food to support better skin.
“I know this book can help all those people out there worrying about their skin condition, whether that's acne, eczema, psoriasis or simply better looking skin.”
Geraldine is an experienced media commentator, and a familiar face in the media, with frequent contributions to TV, including as founder of the Kickstart Diet on Channel 7 and chief dietitian for SBS's The Food Investigators, contributor to Today Extra, Studio 10 and radio. Geraldine has contributed to print publications, including Mind Food, New Idea and Prevention. She has also been a spokesperson for the Coeliac Society and the Council for the Gut Foundation.
Geraldine is co-author of The Gut Foundation Cookbook and wrote the what2eat.org dietary advice on behalf of Diabetes NSW and ACT. She has also consulted to the Australian Navy and works closely with GPs and medical specialist training, providing lectures and workshops in her areas of specialty.
Weight loss
Skin health and skin conditions
Nutrition communication
Tailored diet and nutrition advice
Family nutrition health
Childhood obesity
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Food intolerances
Insulin resistance
Gut health
She has two Sydney-based clinics practicing under the name of Designer Diets™ located in Kogarah and Bondi Junction. Designer Diets™ provides one-on-one private consultations, together with consultancy and media services.